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Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Printed Books

  As an avid reader or a student, I have a great appreciation for the printed word. I love books—especially hard-bound printed books.

But there are some distinct benefits to eBooks. And since we're offering so many of them these days—both free and paid— I thought it would be good to share some of the advantages eBooks have over printed books.


What are the benefits and advantages of ebooks?

1. ebooks are delivered almost instantaneously. You can purchase, download and start reading them within minutes, without leaving your chair. You don't have to go to a bookstore to buy them, neither wait for them for days, weeks and sometimes more to arrive in the mail.

2. No trees are required to be cut or fallen to manufacture paper for the pages of ebooks. No need too for going to a book shop and look out for a bargain hunting, parking your vehicle, take unwanted hassles.

3. When you need certain information, you can get it immediately, just by login to your account and refer to the relevant chapter of an ebook.

4. ebooks are sold with deep disounted prices, which you usually do not get with a printed book. This adds value to your purchase.

5. ebooks take up little space and mostly it is uploaded on cloud. You practically don't need any space to store them. You don't need a library or a room for them. You can access even hundreds of ebooks on your computer or a reading device, such as mobile any time you need.

6. ebooks are portable. You carry a whole library of hundreds of books with you, on cloud which you have flexibility to read on a laptop, smartphone or any ebook reader, without worrying about their weight.

7. With today's technology you can read ebooks everywhere, on the bus, train, airplane, and while standing in line.

8. You can carry with you a great number of ebooks wherever you go, which you cannot do with ordinary books.


9. ebooks can show links, for easy access to more information and related websites.

10. ebooks are searchable. You can easily search for any information in an ebook, instead of turning page after page.

11. ebooks can be interactive and contain audio, video and animations, which can enhance the message that the author is trying to convey.

12. Since ebooks are delivered through the Internet, there are no packing and shipping expenses.

13. ebooks can be printable, so that if you wish to read an ebook in the traditional way, you can very inexpensively print it with your home printer or at any printing shop.

14. Fonts in ebooks can be resized, making it easier to read for people with disabilities. With an additional software it is possible to turn some of the ebooks into audio books.

15. It is very simple and easy to purchase and download an ebook. People living in big modern metro cities, in a remote village in a far away country or on a small island, can equally access an ebook. It takes them the same amount of time to purchase and access/download an ebook, provided they have an Internet connection.

16. It is possible to purchase an ebook 24 hours a day, every day of the year, from the comfort of your own house or office. You can purchase and download an ebook, even if you are on a vacation. All you need is a laptop, tablet. smartphone, or a reading device, and wireless Internet connection.

17. People are already spending a lot of time in front of their computers, so why not read and ebook, instead of doing something else?

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× Reasons Why eBooks Are Better Than Printed Books